Chemical Free Gardening Using Vinegar and Baking Soda

Don't touch those chemicals if you want to rid your garden of pests and fungus issues in your garden. We offer some basic gardening tips using white vinegar. Create your own organic pesticides and herbicides.

Book Mentioned During Show Biodynamic Gardening: Grow Healthy Plants and Amazing Produce with the Help of the Moon and Nature's Cycles by DK

Creating Herbal Routines – Making Herbal Medicine – Herbalism For Beginners

Today, Theresa and I are talking about how to create an herbal routine for good health. I’ll have some questions you can ask yourself to help you drill down what methods and types of herbs for your lifestyle.

Some of the topics we cover are herbs in general, how to use herbs in general, herbs for wellness, herbs for good health, how to use herbs, and herbal facts. We also get into some of the herbal remedies and how beginners can get into herbalism by asking simple questions about their lifestyle.

Can you grow your own herbs or is it better to purchase them for your herbal medicine cabinet? We discuss simple ways to turn plants into plant medicine by using teas, infusions, capsules. Herbalism is a lifestyle and we offer suggestions on how you can make your own herbal remedies.

📰 Sign up for our newsletter to learn more about herbs, promotions, and news we have to share.

📚 Check out all our books!

~ ~ ~ N E W R E L E A S E ~ ~ ~

Counting Trees: Counting Book For Toddlers Coloring Book Included (Kids Count Series)

🤧 Free Ebook –

👩🏼👩‍🦳 Join us every Sunday at 10 AM EDT for Herb Talk Live! On Youtube, Facebook, and Clubhouse with my Co-host Theresa Valendzas, she is a health coach, author, and owner of Altraform. Please check her out and subscribe and like her social media as well. You can find her at

⚖️ Disclaimer: The information presented in this show is for informational, reference, and educational purposes only and should not be interpreted as a substitute for a diagnosis and/or treatment. All health-related questions should be directed to your healthcare provider.

Companies / Products / Books

I personally use and recommend (Affiliates)

🌿 Mountain Rose Herbs –

📚🌿 Herbal Academy –

Get Theresa's Book!!!

Heart-Centered Wellness Version 1 and 2: with Theresa WV by Theresa Velendzas and Deborah Zafiropoulos (Illustrator)

Show's Sponsor

👩‍🌾🛁 Farm to Bath| Our philosophy is to live a locally focused naturally beautiful life, a lifestyle choice that is infused into the products we make. The ingredients are locally grown and/or acquired and are as basic and pure as nature itself. Each bar is full of fragrant aromatics that provide a rich moisturizing lather with no artificial colors or preservatives added – naturally beautiful!

My Garden Journal: A How To Garden Book For Kids| Gardening is a learned skill – everyone has to start somewhere, and a journal provides the best way to improve your gardening skills to ensure more successes and fewer failures.

The intent of this journal is to simultaneously teach basic gardening techniques while providing a place to record your journey with important information about the “how, when, and where” to grow food and flowers.

There are suggestions on themed gardens such as “A Harry Potter Garden”, “A Young Chef's Garden”, or a “Monarch Butterfly Superhero Garden” for budding Naturalists and places to either sketch or photograph your plants to remember their appearance for the next growing season.

You'll be amazed at how much you will learn by journaling about your garden!

Social Media

Please follow us on all our social media outlets. We would love to hear if you tried the recipe(s) from these podcasts.

Please follow us on all our social media outlets. We’d love to hear if you tried the recipe(s) from these podcasts.

Living and Lovin Herbs Website:
Farm to Bath Website:
Instagram: @livingandlovinherbspodcast
Twitter: @Livingandlovin6
Thompson Street Farm LLC:
Brenda J. Sullivan Books:

Aphrodisiac Medicinal Herb Recipes – Improve Sex, Sleep and Make Energy Foods!

Today I'm sharing some simple recipes you can make using aphrodisiacs. There is a lot of history behind the herbal action aphrodisiacs. Some medicinal herbs have multiple herbal actions. Aphrodisiacs can also include herbs as natural antidepressants, increased energy for women and men, better sleep, and yes, improving sex for men with erectile dysfunction and women who have a low sex drive (or just improve your sex in general). We talk about it all!

Recipes we talk about are teas, easy treats such as energy balls, massage oil that soothes sore muscles after a workout, and an easy decadent chocolate treat. This is a recipe that's been in my family for generations.

📰 Sign up for our newsletter to learn more about herbs, promotions, and news we have to share.

📚 Check out all our books!

~ ~ ~ N E W R E L E A S E ~ ~ ~

Counting Trees: Counting Book For Toddlers Coloring Book Included (Kids Count Series)

🤧 Free Ebook –

👩🏼👩‍🦳 Join us every Sunday at 10 AM EDT for Herb Talk Live! On Youtube, Facebook, and Clubhouse with my Co-host Theresa Valendzas, she is a health coach, author, and owner of Altraform. Please check her out and subscribe and like her social media as well. You can find her at

⚖️ Disclaimer: The information presented in this show is for informational, reference, and educational purposes only and should not be interpreted as a substitute for a diagnosis and/or treatment. All health-related questions should be directed to your healthcare provider.

Companies / Products / Books

I personally use and recommend (Affiliates)

🌿 Mountain Rose Herbs –

📚🌿 Herbal Academy –

Get Theresa's Book!!!

Heart-Centered Wellness Version 1 and 2: with Theresa WV by Theresa Velendzas and Deborah Zafiropoulos (Illustrator)

Show's Sponsor

👩‍🌾🛁 Farm to Bath| Our philosophy is to live a locally focused naturally beautiful life, a lifestyle choice that is infused into the products we make. The ingredients are locally grown and/or acquired and are as basic and pure as nature itself. Each bar is full of fragrant aromatics that provide a rich moisturizing lather with no artificial colors or preservatives added – naturally beautiful!

My Garden Journal: A How To Garden Book For Kids| Gardening is a learned skill – everyone has to start somewhere, and a journal provides the best way to improve your gardening skills to ensure more successes and fewer failures.

The intent of this journal is to simultaneously teach basic gardening techniques while providing a place to record your journey with important information about the “how, when, and where” to grow food and flowers.

There are suggestions on themed gardens such as “A Harry Potter Garden”, “A Young Chef's Garden”, or a “Monarch Butterfly Superhero Garden” for budding Naturalists and places to either sketch or photograph your plants to remember their appearance for the next growing season.

You'll be amazed at how much you will learn by journaling about your garden!

Social Media

Please follow us on all our social media outlets. We would love to hear if you tried the recipe(s) from these podcasts.

Please follow us on all our social media outlets. We’d love to hear if you tried the recipe(s) from these podcasts.

Living and Lovin Herbs Website:
Farm to Bath Website:
Instagram: @livingandlovinherbspodcast
Twitter: @Livingandlovin6
Thompson Street Farm LLC:
Brenda J. Sullivan Books:

13 Thanksgiving Herbs Vegan Style with Plant-Based Chef George Duhart

“I love being a plant based chef. You can use all kinds of plants to make those mock dishes,”

George Duhart – Plant Based Chef – picture used with permission (click here to view picture)

Today, I'm interviewing a friend of mine, George Duhart. George is a retired law enforcement officer and turned his passion for cooking into a business by launching George Gee's BBQ Sauce.

I first met George and his family many years ago when he was a vendor and board member at the farmers market I was managing. I've never met anyone as passionate about food as George. We've had some incredible conversations over the years, and this one is no different.

In the interview, George talks about his journey to becoming vegan and how he uses herbs and other vegetables in his Thanksgiving holiday dishes.

He even surprises me by using an herb in ways I would have never thought. I just love his creativity. We also talk about our families and what Thanksgiving means to us, especially during this pandemic. It's a great conversation.

The George Gee's Cooking Show on Youtube (click here to view video)
George Gee's BBQ Sauce – picture used with permission (click here to view picture)
Living and Lovin Herbs Podcast
George Gee's Spice Rub – picture used with permission (click here to view picture)

Equipment And Ingredients Mentioned

These are affiliate links to Amazon. If you decide to buy any of these products, I will earn a small commission at no extra charge to you. Thank you for supporting the show.

George Duhart Website and Social Media

Show's Sponsor

Farm to Bath| Our philosophy is to live a locally focused naturally beautiful life, a lifestyle choice that is infused into the products we make. The ingredients are locally grown and/or acquired and are as basic and pure as nature itself. Each bar is full of fragrant aromatics that provide a rich moisturizing lather with no artificial colors or preservatives added – naturally beautiful!

My Garden Journal: A How To Garden Book For Kids| Gardening is a learned skill – everyone has to start somewhere, and a journal provides the best way to improve your gardening skills to ensure more successes and fewer failures.

The intent of this journal is to simultaneously teach basic gardening techniques while providing a place to record your journey with important information about the “how, when, and where” to grow food and flowers.

There are suggestions on themed gardens such as “A Harry Potter Garden”, “A Young Chef's Garden”, or a “Monarch Butterfly Superhero Garden” for budding Naturalists and places to either sketch or photograph your plants to remember their appearance for the next growing season.

You'll be amazed at how much you will learn by journaling about your garden!


A special thank you to Gene Tullio for writing and producing this music. He has given me special permission to use this song for the show.

Gene's music can be downloaded from Amazon, iTunes, and Spotify. For more information please contact him at

Album: The Dreamship| The Forge Of Life| Copyright 2018

Social Media Links

Please follow us on all our social media outlets. We would love to hear if you tried the recipe(s) from these podcasts.

Please follow us on all our social media outlets. We’d love to hear if you tried the recipe(s) from these podcasts.

Living and Lovin Herbs Website:
Instagram: @livingandlovinherbspodcast
Twitter: @Livingandlovin6
Thompson Street Farm LLC:
Brenda J. Sullivan Books:

04 Coping With Stress

image by pixabay (click here to view picture)

Happy New Year everyone. Today’s show is my holiday show and yes, I certainly blew the deadline.  It was the second week of January 2020 when I record this and since I’m the creator and make the final decisions on what stays and goes.  I decided to go ahead and post this show. 

The topic of the show is managing Holiday Stress (and stress in general) with herbs.  Yes, the title of the show says Coping with Stress. I changed it because I'm posting it so late.

I debated with myself if I should scrap this show and move on to another subject, but then I thought, just because the holidays are over doesn’t mean people’s stress magically disappeared.   For some, the first of the year is a trigger for stress for a variety of reasons.

December bills are due, and the shock of how much all that merry-making cost is a huge reality check.

The first of the year also marks other life-changing events.  Such as trying to buy or sell a home, starting a new semester at school, or starting a new job.

For others its all hands on deck planning that spring wedding.  Here in the Hartford area, there are bridal shows scheduled for the next 3 months. That's just the Hartford area – there are other locations around the state – and CT is a pretty small state. So it appears we have a lot of blushing brides in Connecticut!

Then for some, the new year brings a new set of stressful challenges in the form of legal problems.  Usually, attorneys advise their clients to wait until after the first of the year to file their petitions for bankruptcy, or divorce.

In addition, if you’ve been paying attention to the national and international news – well, what can I say… It's pretty scary out there.

So my point is – people’s stress didn’t go away after the first of the year and it seems for some, things maybe a bit rough.  So I went ahead and posted the show.

In the last segment of the show, I’ll share with you my Lavender Harmony Tea Recipe which is a nice tea to drink all day long. If you wish to purchase the tea scroll down to the Reference section and I posted information on how you can find me to buy the tea.

Articles mentioned in the show have links to the primary sources for more research. I also list organizations for those seeking professional help in the areas of mental health and money management.

Finally, if you are feeling overwhelmed, right now – please reach out to a professional for help, just scroll down to the reference section and click on any of the mental health links.

Thank you for being here and enjoy the show.

What does the perfect holiday celebration mean to you? There are strategies to help you get organized and be less stressed. (click here to view picture) photo by Brenda J. Sullivan
When colds hit our house we reach for these products. photo by Nate Solberg – Scout Collective
The best way to help reduce stress is to create a plan. Then create mini checklists to move you towards your goals. (to view picture click here) photo by canva

The Mayo Clinic suggests the following 10 Strategies

This is an excerpt from the article Stress, depression and the holidays: Tips for Coping (link to full article below).

  1. Acknowledge your feelings
  2. Reach out
  3. Be realistic
  4. Set aside differences
  5. Stick to a budget
  6. Plan ahead
  7. Learn to say no
  8. Don't abandon healthy habits
  9. Take a breather
  10. Seek professional help if you need it

11 Ways to reduce stress in your life

1. Take frequent breaks from social media and news outlets – and/or don’t engage at all. 

2. Create boundaries on topics you aren’t willing to discuss.

3. Get a good night's sleep or try and take a nap if you need one.  Being overtired only adds to your stress.

Skullcap, chamomile, and lavender or a combination of these herbs can help with sleep. Have a cup of tea 45 – 1 hr before bed.

4. Cut back or eliminate coffee or caffeine and switch to herbal teas.

Afternoon tea. (click here to view picture) photo by Brenda J. Sullivan

5. Stop eating sugar, and foods high in carbohydrates. They are not your friends.

Switch out a bowl of mashed potatoes with a high fiber food such as wild rice, quinoa with mushrooms or smashed cauliflower with herbs mixed in.

By adding more fiber to your diet its the perfect way to level your blood sugar out. Fewer mood swings and feeling sluggish and overtired.

Trust me!  You’ll feel better after eating. 

6. Start drinking more water. It helps keep things moving!

7. Start a routine where you can sit for 20 minutes at some point in the daily and have a cup of tea.

Herbs used in our Lavender Harmony Tea are from the nervine herb class. Nervines are herbs that help relieve muscle tension, crazy thoughts, wakeful nights, and in some cases help with mild depression. Herbs pictured: Lavender, milky oats, lemon balm. (click here to view picture) photo by Brenda J. Sullivan

Examples of Nervine Herbs:

            – Milky oats

            – Chamomile

            – Lemon Balm

            – Lavender

            – Valerian Root

            – Skullcap – This one I’d take just before bedtime.

            – St. John’s Wort

            – Rose

This is not a complete list – there are others you can take, but I picked these because they are common and can be found in most health food stores around the country.

And since I’m talking about medicinal herbs versus culinary herbs, I have to add this statement.

I want to stress herbalism is a way of life when using herbs for medicinal purposes to treat certain conditions. You need to be aware:

  • •       There are no magic bullets 
  • •       No quick fixes that will result in a specific health outcome.   

The secret to using herbs is the accumulation of what I call conscious healthy living and eating.

Understand your body and its limits and don’t be afraid to seek medical treatment if you’re not feeling better.

Most importantly do your homework before taking herbs medicinally.  Make informed decisions based on facts and not someone’s opinion or marketing tagline.

My goal is to teach you how to enhance your health and environment with herbs that will bring you over-all wellness. I offer you detailed information along with primary sources so you can research on your own.

However, I still have to give you my disclaimer so we’re clear…

I’m not a doctor, and if you have questions about your health, please consult a licensed medical professional. 

Some herbs interact with certain medications negatively and if you’re on a prescription drug ask your doctor if the herb you’re interested in taking is safe.

In addition, pregnant and nursing Mother’s please consult your doctor to make sure the herbs you’re taking are safe for you and your baby.

The information discussed in this podcast is for educational and informational purposes only. It is not meant to diagnose or treat anyone.

Forest Bathing – Woods near our home that we frequently walk. Screenshot of the Alltrails app. The data is recorded in my walking journal. Date, miles, elevation, and hiking time are things I track. (click here to view picture) photo by Brenda J. Sullivan

8. Go for a walk. – indoor our out. Just move!

Doing our indoor walk together. It was too cold to be outside. In the house, I use the Argus App which tracks my steps/miles and time. (click here to view picture) photo by Paul F. Sullivan

9. Meditate – According to Harvard Medical School article titled.

What Mediation can do for your mind, mood, and health.

They concluded that:

“Taking a few minutes to focus your mind each day can reduce stress, pain, depression, and more.”

Writing in a journal has been scientifically proven to have mental health benefits. (click here to view picture) photo by Brenda J. Sullivan

10. Keep a gratitude journal.

According to an article in Psychology Today Article.

There are 7 Scientifically Proven Benefits of Gratitude.

1. Gratitude Opens the Door to More Relationships – 

2. Gratitude Improves Physical Health

3. Gratitude Improves Psychological Health

4. Gratitude Enhances Empathy and Reduces Aggression

5. Grateful People Sleep Better

6. Gratitude Improves Self-Esteem

7. Gratitude Increases Mental Strength

11. Practice Yoga. There are free and paid apps if taking a class is not your style. Youtube has several yoga channels you can watch and follow as well.

Lavender Harmony Tea

Recipe Here

3 Tablespoon Lemon Balm

1 Tablespoon Lavender

1 Tablespoon Milky Oats

Blend together and use 1 heaping tablespoon per cup. Let steep for 5 – 8 minutes before drinking.

Just remember, sometimes the simplest things can make the biggest impact on you emotionally. Find a quiet place for about 20 minutes, even if it's sitting in your car – just be still and have a cup of tea with yourself.

For those wanting to buy this tea, I offer it for sale at the South Windsor Farmers Market during the growing season. During the off-season, orders can be picked up at my home. For more information email me –



Mayo Clinic| Stress, depression and the holidays: Tips for Coping

NOAA| Managing Holiday Stress

NAMI| Avoiding Holiday Stressors: Tips For A Stress Free Season

NAMI|Major Depressive Disorder With A Seasonal Pattern

Psychology Today| 5 Ways Walking in Nature Benefits Sensitive People

The Difference Between Introverts, Empaths, and Highly Sensitive People

Harvard Health Publishing| What meditation can do for your mind, mood, and health

7 Scientifically Proven Benefits of Gratitude

Mental Health Resources

National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI)

Find an Online Counseling Therapist – Psychology Today

American Psychological Association – Article with therapy resources listed:
A growing wave of online therapy

National Suicide Prevention Lifeline – 1-800-273-8255

Money Management

Note: Please do your research. I have not used any of the debt counseling resources. I've read Rich Dad Poor Dad and thought it was worth recommending. The author offers basic money management tips. However, there are many great books on money management. Many local libraries carry best selling titles – make sure to start there first.

America’s Debt Help Organization

In Charge: Debt Solutions (nonprofit)

Money Management International (nonprofit)

Definition of Money Management

Dave Ramsey Blog| The Truth About Debt Management

Choose FI Podcast| Money Management, Retirement Planning


Rich Dad Poor Dad: What the Rich Teach Their Kids About Money That the Poor and Middle Class Do Not! by Robert T. Kiyosaki
This book is in most libraries or online for free somewhere. Check first for free versions before buying the book.

Public Libary Link

Amazon Link:

Lavender Journal Notebook by Brenda J. Sullivan

Lavender Journal: Notebook Volume 2 by Brenda J. Sullivan

Health Apps for Smart Phones

Argus App
It has free and paid options. I use the free option and just use the step counter only. Available on iTunes.

AllTrails Pro App
Paid App and I use this to record my hikes and walks. Has thousands of trials and reviews by walkers and hikers nationally. I love this app and highly recommend. Available on iTunes.

Lavender Harmony Tea
available from Thompson Street Farm LLC email me for information on pickup times. Local sales only.

Show's Sponsor

Farm to Bath| Our philosophy is to live a locally focused naturally beautiful life, a lifestyle choice that is infused into the products we make. The ingredients are locally grown and/or acquired and are as basic and pure as nature itself. Each bar is full of fragrant aromatics that provide a rich moisturizing lather with no artificial colors or preservatives added – naturally beautiful!

Counting Starfish| A Thompson Street Farm Learn and Play Series Volume 1
Children learn by experience and are stimulated by imagination. Counting Starfish is designed to build both basic concepts and what better way to learn than from the natural world? Counting Starfish was inspired by starfish (or sea stars) living in a tidal pool off the coast of Alaska. This interactive book teaches children the fundamental concepts of counting to ten with coloring pages providing the opportunity for each child to create their own imaginative version of a colorful Counting Starfish Book.


Special Thank You To Gene Tullio!

The music used in this show is used with permission and is created and produced by Gene Tullio.

Gene's music can be downloaded from Amazon, iTunes, and Spotify. For more information about his music, please contact him at

Album: The Dreamship| The Forge Of Life| Copyright 2018

Social Media Links

Please follow us on all our social media outlets. We would love to hear if you tried the recipe(s) from these podcasts.

Please follow us on all our social media outlets. We’d love to hear if you tried the recipe(s) from these podcasts.

Living and Lovin Herbs Website:
Instagram: @livingandlovinherbspodcast
Twitter: @Livingandlovin6

Brenda J. Sullivan Books:

03 Louisa May Alcott An Old Fashioned Thanksgiving And the Dinner Screw Up!

Image CC Google Images (click here to see picture)

Today is my Thanksgiving show, and I wanted to do something a little different.

I realize everyone is busy and I thought it would be fun to read to you a delightful short story by Louisa May Alcott – Its called “An Old Fashioned Thanksgiving” published as part of her collection of stories titled “Aunt Jo’s Scrap Bag” in 1882.

This is a story is about a family living on a New Hampshire farm and the day before Thanksgiving their parents are called away for an emergency.

The children are left alone to manage the farm and they decide to make the “Big Dinner.” As you expect – things don’t go as planned.

This story does have an herbal theme to it and as I read it, pay attention to the ingredients collected for the meal. I’ll explain why later –

In the second half of the show, I’ll share my favorite gluten-free stuffing that I’ve been making for years. It's full of aromatic herbs, vegetables, mushrooms that are from my garden – well almost all of them. Some ingredients I get from local vendors.

So go get your cup of tea and settle in and I hope you enjoy Louisa May Alcott’s 1882 story “An Old Fashioned Thanksgiving.”

Louisa May Alcott – CC Google Images Wikipedia (click here to see picture),c._1870-_Warren%27s_Portraits,_Boston.jpg
Google Books – Public Domain – (click here to see picture)
Google Books Public Domain (click here to see picture)
Link to Aunt JO's Scrap Bag Click Here


Gluten-Free Dairy Free

Herb Stuffing

Download Free Recipe Here

1 tablespoon nondairy butter spread. ( I use Earthbalance)

½ teaspoon salt

2 medium onions chopped

2 – 3 celery stalk

1 – 2 carrot chopped

3 garlic cloves

2 – 3 Granny Smith Apples (or local tart apples) diced

1 lb of fresh chopped mushrooms (shiitake, oyster, chanterelle all work) if using dried mushrooms reconstitute in a half cup of hot water and dash (or more) of Sherry).

A good size bunch of fresh sage – chopped – if using dried sage – use 2 tablespoons

A good size bunch of thyme – stemmed – if using dried thyme – use 2 tablespoons.

2 loaves of sliced Gluten Free Bread – (I try and buy them from a local Gluten Free bakery. If they’re out of stock, I use Udis Gluten Free Millet-Chia bread – cut into cubes and toast in a low heated oven (approx. 250 degrees).)

8 oz of stock – can be Turkey stock from simmering the giblets, or vegetable stock. Don’t forget to use the mushroom / Sherry broth if reconstituted dried mushrooms.

¼ cup Sherry

½ teaspoon salt and pepper


Melt nondairy butter in a large skillet. Add onions, celery, carrot and garlic and sauté until vegetables are just about soft but not quite.

Stir in apples and cook for approx. 2 minutes. Don’t over cook them.

Add the mushrooms – if fresh, cook until they are giving off liquid. If using reconstituted dried mushrooms cook until warmed.

Add Sherry, sage, thyme, salt and pepper and cook until liquid is almost evaporated. Then remove from heat.

Combine vegetable mixture with toasted bread cubes into large bowl. Add enough broth to moisten bread. If there isn’t enough add additional sherry. But don’t soak the bread cubes.

Stuff turkey with the stuffing and roast as directed. 

If not stuffing a turkey: Transfer stuffing to a well greased baking dish. Cover with foil. Bake at 350 degrees for 15 minutes. Take off foil and bake for another 15 – 20 minutes or until stuffing is lightly crisp on top.

When I can't get fresh gluten-free bread from a bakery I will use Udi's – (click here to see picture) photo by Brenda J. Sullivan
Get your bread cut and ready to toast in a low oven photo (click here to see picture) by Brenda J. Sullivan
Oops! Talking on the phone with Mom and burned the first batch! (Click here to view picture) photo by Brenda J. Sullivan
Making sure I watch those bread cubes by leaving the oven door open a little – can't afford to mess up! (click here to view picture) photo by Brenda J. Sullivan
On to the veggies (click here to view picture) – photo by Brenda J. Sullivan
My Sous Chef! Dinners like these require help! (click here to view picture) photo by Brenda J. Sullivan
Collecting my fresh herbs from the garden – (click here to view picture) photo by Brenda J. Sullivan
Sage and Thyme rough chopped (click here to view photo) – photo by Brenda J. Sullivan
Veggies are all chopped ready to go. Yes, this seems like a lot. It is, I doubled my recipe. (click here to see picture) photo by Brenda J. Sullivan
Turkey Broth ready to go…(click her to see picture) photo by Brenda J. Sullivan
Using my paia pan to saute the veggies. Added some olive oil so as not to burn the vegan butter spread. (click here to see picture) photo by Brenda J. Sullivan
Earth Balance Vegan spread – soy-free-dairy free! Love this stuff. I highly recommend it! (click here to see picture) photo by Brenda J. Sullivan
Mix well, don't let burn! (click here to view picture) photo by Brenda J. Sullivan
Don't forget the Sherry – Yeah, its the cheap stuff instead of the “Cooking Sherry” 🤢 (click here to view photo) photo by Brenda J. Sullivan
Time to mix veggies and toasted bread cubes and wet with stock and sherry. Be careful not to soak the bread cubes too much they will turn to mush. Once everything is mixed well stuff your bird or put in a well-greased oven bake dish and bake. (click here to view picture) photo by Brenda J. Sullivan
Stuffing looks perfect! (click here to view picture) photo by Brenda J. Sullivan
She's a beauty! Mmmmm! Let rest for 5 – 10 minutes then carve. (click here to view picture) photo by Brenda J. Sullivan

From my family to your's Happy Thanksgiving! Please let me know if you tried my recipe by posting on any of our social media outlets.

Show Sponsors

Farm to Bath

Our philosophy is to live a locally focused naturally beautiful life, a lifestyle choice that is infused into the products we make. The ingredients are locally grown and/or acquired and are as basic and pure as nature itself. Each bar is full of fragrant aromatics that provide a rich moisturizing lather with no artificial colors or preservatives added – naturally beautiful!

Counting Starfish| A Thompson Street Farm Learn and Play Series Volume 1

Children learn by experience and are stimulated by imagination. Counting Starfish is designed to build both basic concepts and what better way to learn than from the natural world? Counting Starfish was inspired by starfish (or sea stars) living in a tidal pool off the coast of Alaska. This interactive book teaches children the fundamental concepts of counting to ten with coloring pages providing the opportunity for each child to create their own imaginative version of a colorful Counting Starfish Book.


a Special Thank You To Gene Tullio!

The music used in this show has special permission to use the music created and produced by Gene Tullio.

Gene's music can be downloaded from Amazon, iTunes, and Spotify. For more information about his music, please contact him at

Album: The Dreamship| The Forge Of Life| Copyright 2018

Social Media Links

Please follow us on all our social media outlets. We would love to hear if you tried the recipe(s) from these podcasts.

Please follow us on all our social media outlets. We’d love to hear if you tried the recipe(s) from these podcasts.

Living and Lovin Herbs Website:
Instagram: @livingandlovinherbspodcast
Twitter: @Livingandlovin6

02 Fire Cider | Immune Boosting Tonic And The Gift Rosemary Gladstar Gave To The World

All-natural remedies to get help through the cold and flu season – Photo by Nate Solberg – Scout Collective, Rocky Hill CT

Today I’m talking about a vinegar tonic that boosts the immune system.

It has roots in a centuries-old recipe and was updated and modernized in the 20th Century and given a new name.

Since then, it's been adapted many times and is now a staple recipe in any budding herbalists recipe book. Its called, Fire Cider

By the end of this show, you’ll learn about the history of how infused vinegars got started and why they are so popular today. I’ll even share my own recipe so you can make a batch for yourself and family.

My disclaimer so we are clear…

I’m not a doctor, and if you have questions about your health, please consult a licensed medical professional. The information discussed in this podcast is for educational and informational purposes only.

Victims from the Black Plague 1665 England – CC Google Images (click here to view picture)
Victims from the Black Plague 1665 England CC Google Images (click here to view picture)
Fleas on rats were the carriers of the Black Plague. Fleas would infest homes and bit humans spreading the plague. CC Google Images (click here to view picture)
Rosemary Gladstar's latest book – (click here to view picture) photo by Brenda J. Sullivan
Base ingredients for fire cider – (click here to view picture) photo by Brenda J. Sullivan
Using fresh ingredients – this is horseradish pulled from our garden. (click here to view picture) photo by Brenda J. Sullivan
I don't peel vegetables – I just do a rough chop to fit in the jar. Make sure you use organic apple cider vinegar! (click here to view picture) photo by Brenda J. Sullivan
Turkey Tail Mushrooms harvested from our woods. They are great for boosting your immune system. (click here to view picture) photo by Brenda J. Sullivan
Echinacea Roots and Flowers, plus dried Rosemary from our greenhouse. All help to boost the immune system. (click here to view picture) photo by Brenda J. Sullivan
Fill gallon jar with organic apple cider vinegar and slide a knife down edges to get the bubbles out. (click here to view picture) photo by Brenda J. Sullivan
Lable jar with start and end date. The first week check the jar and shake for any bubbles. Add more vinegar if vegetables have absorbed the vinegar. Then check and shake every week for 6 weeks. (click here to view picture) photo by Brenda J. Sullivan
In 6 weeks strain the contents of the jar. Throw away the contents. (click here to view photo) photo by Brenda J. Sullivan
Add raw honey before jarring or add later. (click here to view picture) photo by Brenda J. Sullivan

Brenda’s Fire Cider Recipe

Download Recipe Here


1/2 cup fresh chopped organic ginger root

1/2 cup fresh chopped organic horseradish root

3 medium organic onion, chopped

10 cloves of organic garlic, crushed or chopped

2 organic jalapeno peppers, chopped

2 sliced lemons and or oranges (organic)

Several sprigs of fresh organic rosemary or 2 tbsp of dried rosemary leaves

1 tbsp organic turmeric powder or 2 fresh roots chopped

1/4 tsp organic cayenne powder

1 – 3 –  32 oz bottles of organic apple cider vinegar – the amount needed will depend on the volume of material stacked in jar.  (Re Brand: I use “Braggs” but there are other unfiltered organic apple cider brands out there.)

¼ cup Raw local honey to taste (add after the 6 weeks of fermenting is done)

*  See list of herbal variations that I’ve added to my recipe. These are not necessary, but the * indicates the ingredients that I’ve used in the past.


Chop and slice all of your roots, fruits, and herbs and place them in a large jar. (I use a gallon jar with a lid – bought on Amazon.)  Fill jar with the apple cider vinegar until everything is covered.  You may have squish material down to cover with vinegar. 

Use a piece of natural parchment paper under the lid to keep the vinegar from touching the metal, or a plastic lid will work. Shake well. Store in a dark, cool place for 6 weeks and remember to shake daily.

After 6 weeks, use cheesecloth to strain out the raw fermented ingredients. Discard the vegetables and pour the fermented vinegar into a clean jar. Be sure to squeeze as much of the liquidly goodness as you can from the vegetables while straining.

Next…comes the honey. Add 1/4 cup of honey (or more if still too strong) and stir until incorporated.  Store at room temperature in dark cupboard or refrigerator.

Herbal Ingredient Variations

These organic herbs and spices would make a wonderful addition to your Fire Cider creations. You can find them all and more in our shop!

  • Thyme
  • Horseradish Root Powder
  • Rose Hips*
  • Star Anise
  • Schisandra Berries
  • Astragalus
  • Parsley
  • Burdock root*
  • Oregano, Peppercorns*
  • Beet Root Powder
  • Habanero Powder
  • Echinacea root (fresh or dried) *
  • Echinacea flowers (can use contents of 3 tea bags) *
  • Whole Chili Peppers*
  • Orange slices*
  • Grapefruit,
  • Lime slices*
  • Ghost peppers*
  • Cinnamon Sticks*
  • Dried Turkey Tail Mushrooms*

Drinking Instructions:

Shot of Fire Cider – (click here to view picture) Photo by Brenda J. Sullivan

1 – 3 shot glasses per day when you feel cold or flu symptoms coming on. Repeat until symptoms go away.

Please remember, I am not a doctor, if you continue to feel bad or get worse – go see a licensed medical professional. This recipe is for educational purposes only and not meant to treat or diagnose anyone.

Recipe Ingredient Herbal Actions List

General Herbal Actions Document Download(please note this list is not a complete list)

Primary Source Links

Primary Source Links For The Health Benefits Of Apple Cider Vinegar

WebMD Apple Cider Vinegar:

Harvard Health Publishing| Harvard Medical School: Apple Cider Vinegar Diet: Does It Really Work?:

Wikipedia Four Thieves Vinegar:

Recommended Books

Fire Cider! 101 Zesty Recipes for Health-Boosting Remedies Made with Apple Cider Vinegar:

Rosemary Gladstar's Medicinal Herbs: A Beginners Guide 33 Healing Herbs to know, Grow and Use:


Rosemary Gladstar Website:

Fire Cider 3 Website:

A Special Thank You To Gene Tullio!

The music used in this show is used with permission and is created and produced by Gene Tullio.

Gene's music can be downloaded from Amazon, iTunes, and Spotify. For more information about his music, please contact him at

Album: The Dreamship| The Forge Of Life| Copyright 2018

Social Media Links

Please follow us on all our social media outlets. We'd love to hear if you tried the recipe(s) from these podcasts.

Living and Lovin Herbs Website:
Instagram: @livingandlovinherbspodcast
Twitter: @Livingandlovin6

Brenda J. Sullivan Books:

01 Souling | What The Druids The Church And The Dearly Departed Have In Common

Pencho Georgiev All Souls' Day.jpg – Wikimedia Commons (click here to view picture)

Welcome to my first podcast of the year. This has been a very long process trying to learn many different software programs and so, ready or not, here we are! I'm excited to finally launch!

The show is not perfect, and I'm aware of my mistakes. Please know that I'm a one-woman show and there are many moving parts to produce a show like this, and things got missed. I will continue to edit the blog as I get comfortable with the software programs. We are a work in progress!

About The Show

The goal of the show is to share my love of herbs combined with my love of the outdoors. I'll be introducing an herb(s) and/or traditions related to them and share ways you can incorporate them into your life.

Whether it's using it for health/culinary purposes, growing medicinal plants in your garden, using them in bath and body products or creating a chemical-free home. These are topics for future shows.

I'll do some storytelling about the history or tradition that's related to herbs because who doesn't love a good story! In addition, I'll recommend books and resources that might be helpful to you so you can do more in-depth research on your own.

My goal is to demystify herbs, their uses and make it easy for you to incorporate them into your daily life.

Today's Show:

Today's show is a solo show and since Halloween is almost here I'll be doing a deep dive into an ancient tradition called “Souling” and what the druids, the church and the dearly departed have in common.

I'll also share a recipe (link below) for a traditional cake that is made for this occasion called “Soul Cakes”. These cakes are filled with herbs, nuts and/or dried fruits. However, my recipe has been updated and is gluten-free and dairy-free.

I'll discuss the meaning of the tradition and how it evolved over the centuries.

So click on the show bar below and settle in with a nice cup of spiced herbal tea. And scroll through the pictures following the story of this ancient tradition called “Souling”.

An Arch Druid in His Judicial Habit.jpg – Wikimedia Commons (click here to view picture)
The Wicker Man of the Druids.jpg – Wikimedia Commons (click here to view picture)
Gaius Iulius Caesar (Vatican Museum).jpg Wikimedia Commons (click here to view picture)
Map from “A History of Rome to the death of Cæsar” Google images (click here to view picture)
Pope Boniface-VIII.jpg – Wikimedia Commons (click here to view picture)
Pope Gregory III Illustration.jpg – Wikimedia Commons (click here to view picture)

A Song For Your Soul

“Soul! Soul! For an apple or two! If you have no apples, pears will do. If you have no pears, money will do. If you have no money, God bless you! ”

1981 copyright “A Witches Brew” by Adelma Grenier Simmons| Caprilands Herb Farm, Coventry Connecticut. (click here to view picture) photo by Brenda J. Sullivan
1981 copyright ” A Witches Brew” by Adelma Grenier Simmons| Caprilands Herb Farm, Coventry Connecticut pg 94. (click here to view picture) photo by Brenda J. Sullivan
1981 copyright “A Witches Brew” by Adelma Grenier Simmons| Caprilands Herb Farm, Coventry Connecticut pg 95. (click here to view picture) photo by Brenda J. Sullivan
Traditional Soul cakes for Samhain! (5159453650).jpg – Wikimedia (click here to view picture)
Brenda's Gluten-free dairy-free Soul Cake Recipe below. (click here to view picture) photo by Brenda J. Sullivan
Gluten-Free Dairy-Free “Soul Cake” made with Thompson Street Farm Pumpkin Pie Tea, nuts, and dried fruits. Recipe below. (click here to view picture) photo by Brenda J. Sullivan

LLH Soul Cake: Gluten Free Dairy Free Recipe

Download Recipe

1 cup hot strong pumpkin pie tea

¼ cup – dried cranberries coarsely chopped

¼ cup – chopped walnuts

¼ cup – grated orange peel

1 cup  – brown sugar

1 tsp nutmeg

1 tsp cardamom

1 tsp cinnamon

1 tsp salt

1 large egg – slightly beaten

1/2 cup non-diary milk (I used Almond milk – also note I did not mention this in the podcast. After I recorded it I make the cakes again and adjusted the recipe.)

4 tablespoons vegan butter substitute melted ( I use earth balance)

Dry Ingredients:

2 ½ cups gluten-free flour (I used gluten cake flour in this recipe – but not necessary)

3 tsp baking powder


Make tea and let steep for 5 minutes – then strain into 1 cup and pour into a mixing bowl.

Add cranberries, walnuts grated orange peel, brown sugar, nut, and salt to a bowl and let soap for 25 – 30 minutes.

Add egg and melted butter substitute – mix well in the tea mixture.

Add gluten-free flour and baking powder and mix together.

Fill greased muffin tins ¾ full with dough and bake in a preheated 350-degree oven for 20 – 22 minutes.

Serve warm with butter or butter substitute.

Links / Books Mentioned:

Britannia TV Series:

Encyclopedia Britannia Definition of a Druid: All Saints Day, Pope Boniface IV and Pope Gregory III:

Catholic Liturgical Year| Soul Cakes III:

Soul Cake:

Soul Cakes Shropshire Recipe:

Gather Victoria Blog:

Amazon Book Link: “A Witches Brew” by Adelma Grenier Simmons:

A Special Thank You To Gene Tullio!

The music used in this show is used with permission and is created and produced by Gene Tullio.

Gene's music can be downloaded from Amazon, iTunes, and Spotify. For more information about his music, please contact him at

Album: The Dreamship| The Forge Of Life| Copyright 2018

Social Media Links

Please follow us on all our social media outlets. We would love to hear if you tried the recipe or if you celebrate/honor the Catholic Day of Remembrance, “All Souls Day”, how do you honor your loved ones?

Living and Lovin Herbs Website:
Instagram: @livingandlovinherbspodcast
Twitter: @Livingandlovin6